Friday, February 29, 2008

New Look , New Order

Thanks to the-blogger-templates, i9606 has a new look. How do you like it?

Some of you have been complaining that my posts have been a bit off-topic and random lately. If you are not interested in the full i9606 experience, but would like to stay abreast on my thoughts on specific topics like the Semantic Web or the related E.D. project, I invite you to sign up for the topic-specific feeds visible in the right column. Thanks to Clarius for describing how to make this easy.

This restructuring has come to pass because lately I've felt the need to write about non work-related things. This is partly because my main current collaborator is a little less interested in pre-publishing unfinished work than I am (and I still am, despite the failure from last year), but mostly its because I find myself viewing and using i9606 as a general purpose platform for communicating with friends, family, and my future self.

I suppose I could start a separate blog (which I did at one point), but, given that the content from this one can so easily be modularly syndicated it just doesn't seem necessary. Perhaps one day I will try to create a more specific, professional blog (like bokardo) but I'm not there yet. Right now, this is just me talking...