Friday, April 4, 2008

a new scientific social network

 A colleague just pointed out a newish scientific networking site called BiomedExperts that does some things I've been halfheartedly thinking about doing myself quite nicely.  Mainly, they do a good job: 
  1. rapidly digging your publications out of Pubmed for you (with a little guidance) 
  2. showing off the connections to other people that these publications display
Their network exploration applet worked great for me and was fun to use.  I have to say that is probably the first time I've ever been able to say that about a graph viewing applet..  The geo-view of my network wasn't as good, but was still kind of cool.  Pics below.

If anyone knows of some, I'd be curious to hear of other science-niche social networks.


Pierre Lindenbaum said...

Duncan Hull has just published a post about this:


Benjamin Good said...

Thanks Pierre, as usual I see Duncan has done a nice bit of research on an interesting topic.

Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

>If anyone knows of some, I'd be curious to hear of other science-niche social networks.

sciences niches... are social research niches ok, too? There is one such analysis of terrorism researchers, done with several of those kind of tools:
Reid, E.F., Chen, H. Mapping the terrorism research domain. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2007, 65: 42-56.
that I've commented on here.
The HCI article is an entertaining read and reveals quite a lot about the research 'community'.