Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ED2.0 underway

Manuscripts and academentia aside, we want to make E.D. better. To do so, we're planning to take advantage of the FreeBase type-ahead box pictured here.

I've been thinking about some sort of integration with FreeBase since I saw Jamie Taylor's "Stone Soup" presentation at WWW2007 and now the time seems to be ripe. "We" now includes Francois Belleau of bio2rdf fame. Francois is working on integrating bio2rdf with FreeBase and thus taking advantage of, among other things, their extremely fast graph query engine. By embedding the source vocabs (e.g.MeSH, GO..) in FreeBase, we will be able to use their (also extremely fast) type-ahead. This should eliminate the slowness and the memory problems we've had in the current implementation as well as providing a nice way to access ~way more terms. With Francois' work to map back and forth between freebase and RDF, I think this will end up being a much more killer application than v1.0.


jamie said...

Benjamin -

This is really cool. I'm very excited to see Freebase Topics being used as a way to semantically tag content. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Benjamin Good said...

Hi Jamie,

Thanks, me too! The biggest hold up right now is getting the source vocabularies (MeSH, the gene ontology, etc..) into FreeBase. (Francois is working on this). Doing this well will make it very appealing for people working in the semantic web states of bio/medical informatics country to start using freebase.

Also.. I'm wondering if it makes sense to capture the semantic tagging events somehow within freebase as well? Right now, the plan is to (as in the previous incarnation) capture these events in a SPARQLable RDF repository as well as in the tagging databases that ED wraps (connotea for now). But, if I could use the freebase query engine instead or in addition, it would be very appealling.